©2025 Wellington The Magazine. All rights reserved

12794 W. Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 33, Wellington, FL 33414


In our annual Faces of Dressage issue, we celebrate the elegant Olympic sport of dressage, which is on full display at the Adequan Global Dressage Festival held at Equestrian Village here in Wellington. We offer an overview of this year’s AGDF, as well as a look at the inaugural US Equestrian Open of Dressage series. And, of course, our Faces of Dressage pictorial spotlights just a handful of amazing riders to keep an eye on.

Also in this issue, we preview the inaugural Galbani Festa Italiana, which will be held at the Wellington Amphitheater later this month. We speak to Cynthia “Tigger” Montague of BioStar regarding her love and support for the Challenge of the Americas (COTA) fundraising event, and we learn about the awards presented at the recent USET Foundation Gold Medal Club reception held here in Wellington.

Our Wellington Family series continues with a profile of the McDevitt family, which has been serving the electrical needs of the community for two generations. In Wellington Today, Village Manager Jim Barnes describes some of the many programs and initiatives designed to make Wellington more sustainable, connected and resilient. Finally, Wellington Table samples the sweet treats available at Duck Donuts, which opened recently in the Southern Palm Crossing shopping plaza.

I hope you’re enjoying our wonderful spring weather, and if you haven’t had the chance to yet, make plans to visit one of Wellington’s world-famous equestrian venues before the season draws to a close. There’s always something exciting to see!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Message From The Publisher

​​​executive editor
Joshua I. Manning

Dawn Rivera

senior graphic designer
Stephanie Rodriguez

graphic designer
Yolanda Cernicky

account managers
​Betty Buglio
Evie Edwards
Joetta Palumbo

Christina Charles
Shanta Daibee
Jill Kaskel
Carol Lieberman

Abner Pedraza


Shannon Anastasio
Matthew Auerbach
Jim Barnes
Denise Fleischman
Margaret Hunt
Frank Koester
Mike May
Alicia McLaughlin
Y.A. Teitelbaum

​​​​​Dawn Rivera

​​​​​​​​Dawn Rivera,Publisher ​​​​​​​​​

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