©2025 Wellington The Magazine. All rights reserved

12794 W. Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 33, Wellington, FL 33414


With the equestrian season well underway, this month we feature our annual Faces of WEF issue, where we take a look at this year’s season at the Wellington international showgrounds. For 13 weeks each winter, all eyes in the equestrian world are on Wellington, home of the Winter Equestrian Festival, the largest and longest running show series in the world. This issue features an overview of WEF, with pointers about what not to miss this season at the horse show. We also include our Faces of WEF pictorial section, giving readers a glimpse at just a few of the amazing riders in action at WEF. We also hear from Wellington International’s new CEO about plans for this season, and also what a few riders are looking forward to in 2025.
    Elsewhere in this issue, we preview the huge dressage dance party that is the Challenge of the Americas (COTA) coming in March, and we look back at last month’s Carnival-themed JustWorld International gala.
   Our Wellington Family series continues with a profile of the Varvarigos family, which started Wellington Florist in the early 1990s and still runs this iconic Wellington business today. In Wellington Today, Village Manager Jim Barnes updates readers on the state of the village. Finally, Wellington Table visits the completely rebuilt Publix store in Wellington’s Courtyard Shops. With all its new offerings, it has become a hotspot for a quick lunch.
    Hopefully, the chill that has dominated most of January here in Wellington will give way soon to more temperate weather. We will return in March with our annual Faces of Dressage issue.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Message From The Publisher

​​​executive editor
Joshua I. Manning

Dawn Rivera

senior graphic designer
Stephanie Rodriguez

graphic designer
Yolanda Cernicky

account managers
​Betty Buglio
Evie Edwards
Joetta Palumbo

Christina Charles
Shanta Daibee
Jill Kaskel
Carol Lieberman

Abner Pedraza


Shannon Anastasio
Matthew Auerbach
Jim Barnes
Denise Fleischman
Margaret Hunt
Frank Koester
Mike May
Alicia McLaughlin
Y.A. Teitelbaum

​​​​​Dawn Rivera

​​​​​​​​Dawn Rivera,Publisher ​​​​​​​​​

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